Journey Beyond Weight Loss

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How to Handle Workplace Temptations

May 31, 2023

Do you have a coworker who's always tempting you with candy, or perhaps they bring in the most delicious baked goods?

It's hard to resist, we get it!

That's why on this week's podcast, Marchelle and I are tackling this oh-so-common problem. Tune...

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How to Enjoy the Weight Loss Journey

May 24, 2023


Do you ever feel like sticking to a weight loss plan is just punishing yourself? Finding yourself constantly dwelling on mistakes and wondering if you'll ever have that "perfect" body?

But imagine this: What if you cheered yourself...

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I Should Be Able to Do This On My Own

May 18, 2023

Let's have some fun exploring a vital aspect of any weight loss journey: our thoughts. After all, lasting weight loss starts with the right mindset!

Join Marchelle and me today as we deep dive into a very common thought: "I should be able to do...

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How Food Silences Us

May 11, 2023


Have you ever thought about giving yourself a virtual "timeout" with food? 


You may never have thought of it that way! From young ages we can be quick to stuff down the bad vibes, and let's face it - food is just so darn...

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The Tricks Our Brains Play

May 03, 2023

Have you ever stepped on the scale with confusion, wondering why your weight is going up even though you've been eating right?


You may be a victim of your own primitive brain! Our latest podcast dives into how our inner saboteur can...

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Are Processed Foods as Addictive As Nicotine? | Part 2

Apr 26, 2023

Do processed foods have the same addictive potential as nicotine? Join us for Part 2 of our exploration and discover firsthand the science behind this controversial topic! 


Let's take back control and use science to break the power...

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Are Processed Foods as Addictive as Nicotine?

Apr 20, 2023

Got a craving for something processed?

Don't worry, you're not alone - research reveals that pizza and cigarettes have more in common than one might think!

Join Marchelle and I on this two-part podcast as we dig into the science of addiction to...

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Game-Changing Weight Loss Medications

Apr 13, 2023

Have you been seeing reports of the recent miraculous weight loss medications taking over headlines?

People have questions - and understandably so! So, why don't we take some time to explore this topic a bit further? Join Marchelle and me as we...

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The Top 10 Worst Diet Foods

Apr 05, 2023

So you're trying to get healthier and lose weight, but those pesky pounds just won't budge? 

You'd be surprised how many foods labeled as "diet" are actually working against your goal! Find out what these sneaky snacks are this week on the...

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Why Weekends Seem Hard

Mar 31, 2023

The weekend can be infamous for breaking all your hard work, so why not join us on this week's podcast and find out how to combat it?

Stop allowing two days of the week to ruin all that good behavior from Monday through Friday! Learn how you too...

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