Journey Beyond Weight Loss

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Optimizing Sleep for Lasting Weight Loss

Aug 04, 2021

Developing good sleep habits and a good sleep routine will help you in many ways - including losing weight and keeping it off!

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
6:28 We have natural bio rhythms that are correlated with cycles of light and...

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Getting Back on Track After Vacation

Jul 28, 2021

Slips and splurges happen, and especially when we go on vacation or celebrate and important event. How do you help get yourself back on track for healthy eating and your weight loss goals?

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
13:26 Do you...

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Life Beyond Diabetes with Teresa Owens, ARNP - Part 2

Jul 21, 2021


Medications, and sometimes surgery, can play an important part of controlling or even possibly eliminating your diabetes. Learn what you need to know to start on a bath to improve your health.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:

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Life Beyond Diabetes with Teresa Owens, ARNP - Part 1

Jul 14, 2021

From diagnosis to diet, there are a myriad of issues, frustrations, feelings, and discoveries that one goes through in learning what the disease is, and how to manage it.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
12:20 Diabetes: I didn't do...

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What Do You Think When You Look In the Mirror - And Why It Matters

Jul 07, 2021

Lasting weight loss is a process of learning how to love yourself. Without that, the weight loss won't last, and it's only temporary at best.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
1:57 How we think about ourselves, what we say to ourselves,...

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The Worst Diet Advice

Jun 30, 2021

With so much bad information and advice out there, where can you turn for good solid and accurate information? Today we discuss the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of weight loss advice and what you need to know to move past that bad information.


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A Conversation with My Mentor, Dr. Allen Rader

Jun 23, 2021

Hi there!

Today we discuss how Dr. Rader was drawn into obesity medicine and what he has learned along the way.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
2:35 Looking at age for men, there is a correlation between the disease of obesity and...

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Common Mindset Mistakes: Your Thoughts Matter!

Jun 16, 2021

Hi there!

How you THINK about your weight loss journey will either MAKE your or BREAK you! Today we explore the importance of how our mental attitude about what we are doing is so critical to our success.

Some of this weeks episode highlights...

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Habits: Putting Your Weight Loss on Auto-Pilot

Jun 09, 2021

Hi there!

In this episode we discuss what the "basal ganglia" is in our brain, how that controls automatic functioning and decision making, and how we can leverage that knowledge to modify and improve our eating habits.

Some of this weeks episode...

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Why I Recommend Meditation

Jun 03, 2021

Hi there!

One of the keys to keeping the weight off is learning to be in touch with your emotions and understanding how they influence your eating habits and food choices. Meditation is a key activity that can help you get in touch with your...

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