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How to Overcome Doubt

Aug 09, 2023


Are you ready to dive into a thought-provoking and empowering episode? In Podcast #127, we're addressing a topic that's probably crossed your mind more than once: Doubt.


In this episode, you'll learn:


  •  Exploring...
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Discover the Power of Health at Every Size!

Aug 02, 2023


Are you ready for another exciting episode of the "Keep the Weight Off Podcast"? We're thrilled to announce that Episode #126, "Health at Every Size?" is ready, and we can't wait for you to tune in!

In this thought-provoking episode, Dr....

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Breaking Free: Overcoming Emotional Eating

Jul 28, 2023


Hey there!


  Are you ready to dive into a topic that impacts almost everyone?


 Join Dr. Angela and Marchelle, for our latest podcast episode, where we explore the fascinating world of emotional eating and how it...

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Breaking Through Plateaus: Reignite Your Weight Loss Journey

Jul 21, 2023

Hey there!


Are you ready to conquer those stubborn weight loss plateaus and reignite your journey towards a healthier, happier you? Then you won't want to miss this new episode of "Keep the Weight Off Podcast" with Dr. Angela and...

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Ignite Your Inner Fire: Fueling Your Motivation for Success

Jul 12, 2023


Hi there!


In this episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, we dive deep into the world of weight loss and explore how to stay motivated during your journey. ‍

From setting achievable goals to celebrating non-scale victories,...

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Sweet Freedom: Navigating Social Gatherings Without Sugar and Flour

Jul 05, 2023


Ever found yourself at a social gathering, eyeing that slice of cake or the bread basket, wondering how to avoid it without feeling like an outsider?


You're not alone!


In this episode, Marchelle, and I delve deep into the...

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Bouncing Back from a Binge: Turning Setbacks into Comebacks

Jun 28, 2023

This week on our podcast, Marchelle and I dive into a topic many of us can relate to but rarely discuss - navigating the road back to good nutrition after a binge.


Ever found yourself stuck in the "I'll start on Monday" trap? It's a...

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Are Your Expectations Realistic?

Jun 22, 2023

 Our newest podcast episode, "Are Your Expectations Realistic?", is fresh out of the oven and ready for your listening pleasure!

Marchelle and I are back, and this week we're putting weight loss goals into perspective. No gimmicks, no...

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Exercise: Pleasure? or Penance?

Jun 14, 2023

Today, we're diving into a hot topic that we've seen over and over again - and even I’m guilty as charged!

Picture this: a patient walks in, disheartened, and exclaims, "I'm putting in so much effort, but the scale won't budge!"

They spill...

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How to Stop Dieting

Jun 06, 2023

 Ever been "dieting for decades"? Let's face it, the same old mindset and phrases just won't cut it if we're aiming for long-term success!

 Curious to know which words to lose? 

Tune in to this week's podcast where we're spilling...

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