Journey Beyond Weight Loss

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How to Get Back on Track

Nov 30, 2020

Hey everyone, It's Dr. Angela. So good to be with you today!

It's the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and usually I spend this weekend decorating. It has  also been a time that I spent feeling badly about myself because I had overeaten on...

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Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

Nov 12, 2020

What’s the best way to get rid of belly fat?

So many of us struggle with belly fat these days, particularly those of us who are women over 40.

In this video I’ll help you understand the SCIENCE of how this happens in the first place....

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The BEST Way to Lose Weight

Oct 23, 2020

So what's the best way to lose weight?

There are a lot of theories out there and lots of plans and programs, and it can get really confusing. Maybe you've been on a few of these. What I'm going to do today is to teach you the science of weight...

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Weight Loss Tips: What to Do When You Plateau

Sep 30, 2020

Have you ever felt like you were doing everything right, working really hard, and after an initial weight loss, the scale just doesn’t budge any more? Well, this is really, really common, and so I’m going to help you move through this...

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Weight Loss Tips: All About Medications, Including Phentermine

Sep 23, 2020

Hi everyone. It's Dr. Angela. 

Today’s topic is weight loss medications. This is one of those topics that's pretty controversial and a lot of people are afraid of them. And so I want to reassure you a little bit. I want to let you know...

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Weight Loss Tips: How to Kick Sugar!

Aug 20, 2020

Hi, I’m Dr. Angela Zechmann.  

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, I want you to know that I’m in your corner. We’re going to team up and fight against a very dangerous substance in our lives, and...

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Weight Loss Tips: How Do You Talk to Yourself?

Aug 06, 2020



Hey everyone. It's Dr. Angela. It is so good to be here with you today. Thank you for joining me. If you're joining me live post me a note, and if you're joining me later, push me a note. Let me know that you're here and you're...

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Weight Loss Tips: Ditch Your Scale!

Jul 21, 2020

Hey everyone! It's Dr. Angela here.

I want to talk today about the scale - and the reason is because there's been some talk in Sugar and Flour Buster Society about this (and also I see it all the time in my office.)

People will begin doing...

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Weight Loss Tips: How the Food Industry Quietly Manipulates Children

Jul 10, 2020


Hey everyone, Dr Angela here –

If you were born in the 1970s or later … I have some interesting news for you. Are you ready?

Most likely, you were quietly manipulated by the food industry from the time you were a small...

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Weight Loss Tips: How the Food Industry Hooks Us with CONVENIENCE!

Jul 01, 2020

Hey there, Dr. Angela here.

Today is part 2 of my series of how the food industry hooks us. The first way they do it is by making us crave stuff, and I talked about that in a previous video. The second way they do this is through convenience...

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