Journey Beyond Weight Loss

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Managing Your Thoughts

Aug 17, 2022

Episode 77: Managing Your Thoughts.

Imagine being able to understand your own brain better. It sounds like an elusive goal, but it's not as tough or impossible as you might think! The first step in this journey starts with understanding how the...

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How The Hell Did This Happen?

Aug 11, 2022

This week Marchelle and I wanted to talk about something that happens ALL THE TIME in a weight loss journey. And that is the dreaded weight regain.

Our patients will come into us feeling so ashamed, and they’re asking themselves How in the...

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Why Body Composition Testing is SO IMPORTANT

Aug 03, 2022

Have you ever felt like you were addicted to the scale? Have you ever judged your progress based on that number? Well, most people have no idea that changes in weight do not usually reflect changes in body fat, and there's a lot more to the...

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My Family Eats Junk

Jul 01, 2022

In today's episode of the Podcast, Marchelle asks Dr. Angela an important question, which we hear often: "How do I stay focused on my health and eating properly when my family brings home pizza and wings?"

Sometimes it feels as if our family not...

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The Process of Change

Jun 22, 2022

In today's episode of the podcast, Marchelle and I talk about the 5 Stages of Change that were elucidated by a research team named Prochaska and DiClemente.

Understanding these stages is important, not just for you, but for other people in your...

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Weight is a Neutral Circumstance

Jun 15, 2022

In this episode of the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, we talk about the difference between circumstances and thoughts. Understanding this difference will bring much more clarity to your life and can help you to STOP the knee-jerk runs for comfort...

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Why the Weight Loss Journey is Profound

Jun 08, 2022

I always say that the weight loss journey - done well - is a journey of profound personal evolution. What do I mean by this?

I've identified 4 distinct phases of the weight loss journey, and most people stop at the first one. What are these...

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Is Food Addiction Real?

Jun 01, 2022

Today's podcast is called "Is Food Addiction Real"? This is a good question! I've noticed that I can have strong cravings for certain foods, like candy and ice cream, but not others, like spinach and broccoli…

So what is it about candy and...

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Top 10 Obesity Myths with Dr. Angela Golden, Part 2

May 25, 2022

This week we continue our fascinating discussion with Dr. Angela Golden, a leader in the world of Obesity Medicine, on the Top 10 Obesity Myths. We covered Myths 1-5 last week. This is Part 2, where we talk about Myths 6-10.

Episode Highlights:


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Top 10 Obesity Myths with Dr. Angela Golden, Part 1

May 18, 2022

At a recent Obesity Medicine Conference in Atlanta, I met Dr. Angela Golden, a leader in Obesity Medicine education, and someone who herself struggles with the disease. After her awesome presentation, "The Top 10 Obesity Myths," I accosted her at...

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