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How to Take Care of Yourself When You're a Sugar Addict

Family traditions and holiday celebrations can present unique situations that challenge your resolve to eat healthy. Dr. Angela discusses her challenges at a recent family event and how to work through the challenge.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
10:05 We have to do what's right for us. We don’t have to worry about what other people think, because as it turns out, no one really cares whether you have a piece of their birthday cake or not. The only person that ‘cares’ is that addict part of your brain.
13:12 You have to take care of yourself. You have to be willing to disappoint other people and to say, you know what, this isn't right for me, and I'm not going to do this. Let them be disappointed because you have to let them have their own feelings. You can't go walking around trying to manage everybody else's feelings all the time.
14:19 If you really want to get this disease under control and keep it under control, you have to be willing to do some hard things, but they're not hard once you get used to it and once you practice a little bit.

--- Full Raw Transcription of Podcast Below ---

Dr. Angela Zechmann (00:00):
You are listening to the, keep the weight off podcast with Dr. Angela, episode Number 20,

Introduction (00:07):
Welcome to The Keep The Weight Off podcast, where we bust all the dieting myths and discover not just how to lose weight, but more importantly, how to keep it off. We go way beyond the food and we use science and psychology to give you strategies that work. And now your host, Dr. Angela Zechmann.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (00:27):
Hey everybody. And welcome back to the podcast

Dr. Angela Zechmann (00:31):
Marchelle and I are here today. Say hi, Marchelle.

Marchelle (00:34):
Hi everybody.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (00:35):
Hey, so I had a really interesting experience this weekend and I wanted, I just wanted to do a podcast on it because what happened is I wrote about it in Sugar and Flour Busters Society. And so many people had reactions to it, you know, the Facebook reactions and so many people commented on it in terms of how much the story impacted them, that I wanted to make sure our podcast listeners heard about it as well. And I really just want everybody to know that you're not alone. So, so here's what happened. And by the way, but before I tell you all about that if you're new around here and you want to join us in Sugar and Flour Buster's Society, that's my Facebook group (Sugar (and flour!) Buster’s Society) where we're, you know, you can have, you know, we can talk and stuff.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (01:36):
Go, just go to Facebook groups and look up Sugar and Flour Busters Society. But what you want to do is you want to make sure you spell flour correctly. Cause some people will type in F L O W E R and that doesn't work. It has to be F L O U R because it's Sugar (and flour!) Buster’s Society. But this is where you can go to get the support that you need to really work at what it takes to lose weight and keep it off then sugar and flour is one of the things that, you know, you're going to want to be really, really super careful with. And I'll explain why. So so Marchelle, you heard the whole story sort of as it was happening because I was in the office on Thursday and I was telling you what had happened to me.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (02:20):
So I have a partner who is Icelandic, and what, what they do, his, his mother had a birthday this weekend and the family loves to make this Icelandic - actually, I think it's a Danish cake - it's called Kransakaka or Kransa cake it's sort of a traditional Scandinavian cake. And it's made from layers of marzipan. And Marzipan if you've never heard of it before, it's like almond paste and a lot of sugar. So so he made her one of these Kransakaka for her birthday. And I have to tell you, it was absolutely stunningly. Beautiful. It was incredible. I'm not putting a picture of it up in Sugar (and flour!) Buster’s Society though, because somebody said, if they saw a picture of it, they might end up wanting to go seek out a treat for themselves. So I'm just like, no, we don't need to put pictures of stuff like that.

Marchelle (03:22):
Like I saw a picture of it. You guys have never seen anything like this in my entire life. It was, it was impressive.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (03:31):
It's pretty incredible. But anyway, so on Wednesday I came home and he had been practicing the Marzipan. And so he had baked some and he asked me if I wanted to have a little taste. And I was like, sure. You know, I didn't think twice about it. I didn't realize exactly how much sugar is in this stuff, I guess. And instantly I got transported back to high school and I was working at a at a Chinese restaurant in Wichita, Kansas at the time. And they used to serve these like orange almond cookies for desserts. And I remember I absolutely loved those cookies. I mean, like when my shift was done, I would probably eat four or five of them.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (04:16):
Like I couldn't stop and you know, back then you're a teenager. And you're like, yeah, I do. You know, you just don't even think about this stuff. But what happened the next day on Thursday after I had had just a little bit of that marzipan, I was shocked at what my brain did. It was like, it was screaming for more of that stuff. And you remember, I told you Marchelle on Thursday, I was like, I can't believe the cravings that this stuff has, has like put off in me it's it was just ... and I was, and then by Friday, so then I come home on Thursday and he'd been, you know, doing more with working at baking the cake. And on Friday I had, I had all of this marzipan all over my kitchen. Friday is my work at home day.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (05:06):
And I was just practically beside myself. I remember going out and taking a run and thinking my brain only wants this stuff. And it's, if it was as if I could stuff my face and stuff, my face and stuff my face, and I would never be able to get enough. I would never be able to get satisfied. And that's when I knew like, oh my gosh, this really triggered that, that cookie monster in me, you know? And I just felt so powerless. So I just put a post in Facebook and I said, you know, here's, what's going on. And I just want you guys to know that no one is above this, that sometimes our brains respond like this to sugar or flour products. For me, it's mostly sugar and you know, I'm, I'm a sugar addict, you know, I just, I am, and there are certain forms of this stuff that just make me powerless.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (06:04):
And you know, all I wanted to do was just go hide in a closet and just eat and never come out again. And, you know, my brain was saying, you need to be secretive about this. You need to not tell anybody you need to just indulge. And it was just like, oh, it was awful. And I, then I started thinking, well, what am I going to do now? You know, like, why did I even bother having a taste of it in the first place I should have known better? So, so the next thing that happens is I'm beating myself up. Have you ever done that? I was like, oh my gosh, I'm beating myself up. And so then I thought, you know what? I teach self-compassion. And so I decided to have compassion for myself. And then I started to think, well, what should I do now?

Dr. Angela Zechmann (06:47):
Like, I really wanted to, I wanted to attend this party. But I didn't want to have any of the cake because I knew it was going to, I mean, I wouldn't be able to stop. And then I started having thoughts, like, why can't I just be normal? Like, why does this have to be such a big deal? You know, maybe I should just stay home. And so that's what I wrote about. And, and what I decided to do was to just really think about loving myself. Like what would somebody who really loves themselves do if they noticed that something as seemingly innocent, as a special birthday cake could send their brain off like this. And I thought about, well, you know, alcoholics have similar issues when they drink alcohol and they just say, no, thanks. And so what if I just went to the party?

Dr. Angela Zechmann (07:47):
And I just said 'no' to the cake. And what would people think? You know, there were all those questions going through my head too. Like, what would they think if I just said 'no' to the cake? And I realized later that it was my, my addiction brain that was giving me all those thoughts, really, because my addiction brains wanting me to eat it, like, what would, what would they think if you don't have some, you know, can you, you know, you kinda got that, that devil on your shoulder. So it was so interesting though, because when I posted all of this on Facebook, people were just saying they could relate 100% and another ... one woman said she would relate a thousand percent. So I think that this is, you know, this isn't as unusual as you would think. So you know, and just the idea that it felt so, so secretive, right?

Dr. Angela Zechmann (08:42):
Like, have you ever experienced that? Where you just like, I just wanna, I just want to be in secret.

Marchelle (08:49):
Yeah. Mine is usually with alcohol.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (08:51):
Oh yeah. Okay.

Marchelle (08:53):
You know, just being honest. I mean, it's like for, I think that when I'm looking for some satisfaction, like some instant pleasure, mine's usually like oh... i'm going to go relax on the back porch with a beer. And I'm not saying that I'm not addicted to sugar. I am, but sugar for me is, is kind of like playing in the kiddie pool. You know, it's not as satisfying, I guess, as, you know, having a beer after work. But I mean, I've, I've totally like, I used it. Like, I, we talked about this before I used to hide, you know, my coffee creamer in the back of the refrigerator at work work so that you guys wouldn't know if it was there.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (09:37):

Marchelle (09:38):
And I, and I, and it felt wrong, but I just didn't have the strength at that point to get rid of it. So yeah, totally understandable. When you want to sneak it. And then also the pressure of family traditions is really, really hard to, especially with things like birthday cakes, like what, what kind of a birthday party is it? If there's no birthday cake. Right. You know, so, so it's really hard to adjust to that.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (10:05):
Yeah. Well, you know, what, what I want all of us to understand is that we have to do what's right for us. And we have to not worry about what other people think, because as it turns out, no one really cares whether you have a piece of their birthday cake or not. Like, I think the, I think the only person that cares is that addict part of your brain.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (10:31):
I really do. Like, I don't, I really think that this brain, this part of my brain was telling me that it would be rude not to partake in it. So I called BS on that part of my brain. And I said, forget it. You're not going to be satisfied anyway. Right. There's no satisfying this part of my brain. So why should I even bother trying? And I said, you're making me miserable. And I'm done with you. Like, this is the way I was talking to that part of my brain.

Marchelle (10:55):
So one thing I wanted to interject those, sometimes the pressure is when someone has gone through so much work to make a birthday cake, because you know, a lot of times it's like a really big effort and it's really beautiful and there's a lot of work put into it. And then you know, when you go to the party and I can imagine, you know, that your partner went through all that work, it's almost like if you don't have a piece it's like, you are not appreciating that effort that somebody did.

Marchelle (11:27):
So that's what I struggle with is when I go, cause my mom is really, really big on making cakes and birthday cakes, you know, especially, you know, if it's for me and I would have a really hard time not indulging because then I would feel like I was ungrateful not having, you know, a piece of the cake, even though I know, and she knows, and I'm not supposed to be having sugar. It's still it's still an issue. So I'm sure that other struggle with this as well.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (11:55):
Well, you know, it was interesting because I didn't tell Sigi any of this until after the party was over. Oh, I said nothing to him about any of this. I just didn't have a piece of the cake. I, I talked about I talked about how beautiful it was. I took pictures of it.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (12:16):
You know, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed watching everybody else indulge, but I didn't tell him that it had triggered me until after. And he didn't even notice. I mean, he didn't, he didn't, it didn't, it wasn't an issue for him, whether or not I actually ate any of it or not. So that's the, I mean, that's the other thing, you know, if there are people in your life who would feel bad, if you just admire their beautiful work, their artistry and didn't partake you know, that's one thing I just, I just think that it's, it's beautiful artistry and you can, you can appreciate the artwork without actually indulging in the sugar.

Marchelle (13:04):
Sorry, mom.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (13:05):
Yeah. Yeah. Well, this is it. And this is the, one of the things that I really wanted. This is one of the reasons why I really wanted to do this podcast is because when you have a brain that responds like this, to these things, you have to not worry about what other people think. You just cannot give it a second thought as to what they're going to think. You have to take care of yourself. And, and you have to be willing to disappoint other people and to say, you know what, this isn't right for me, and I'm not going to do this and let them be disappointed because you have to let them have their own feelings. You can't go walking around trying to manage everybody else's feelings all the time. And so these are, these are the types of skills that we teach in Journey Beyond Weight Loss, right?

Dr. Angela Zechmann (13:52):
So I had these skills in my back pocket and I had a tribe of people that I could be accountable to. And these things are really, really important. If you're a sugar addict or a flour addict or both like me, and you want to stay sober from these things, this is why diets hardly ever work. Like you need more skills. So so I just wanna, I just want sort of presence that, that, that you have to be willing to do some hard things. If you really want to get this disease under control and keep it under control, you have to be willing to do some hard things, and they're not hard once you get used to it. And once you practice a little bit, so if you're interested in learning these kinds of skills that you need to lose weight and keep it off, I'd encourage you to join us in Journey Beyond Weight Loss.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (14:47):
I'll be opening up the course again in September. It took a lot of self-love for me and a lot of self reflection to be able to recognize what had happened to me, and then to be able to navigate this social setting. And these are all the types of skills that I teach. So I hope that those of you who are sort of resonating with this will join us so that you can, you can get those skills in your back pocket and know what to do in situations like this present themselves and what to do when you slip up. You know, like that was hard for me to be like, oh my gosh, you know, this really, my brain is going a little bit nutsy cuckoo here. And even five days later now after my brain got triggered, I'm still thinking about it.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (15:34):
The thoughts are getting less and less, which is good. They're becoming less frequent, but it's still an issue. So in all in, and so I just want people to know, like, you're not alone, this happens. And there are ways of navigating this, but you probably didn't learn them on your last diet. Right.

Marchelle (15:55):
So when you were talking, something that I was thinking was what you were thinking before you even took that first taste, because I know that you tell us to be, you know, mindful of what we're putting in our body. And I was just kind of wondering, like when you walked into the kitchen and you saw that knowing that, you know, it might trigger you, did you, I mean, were you, were you even conscious of what was going on or did you just like take a bite and didn't think about it, or ...

Dr. Angela Zechmann (16:25):
I didn't even think about it as possibly triggering me because I haven't had marzipan in forever. I just, it's just the, even, I didn't think it was going to be that sweet, I guess I'm not sure what I was thinking.

Marchelle (16:37):

Dr. Angela Zechmann (16:37):
I just was like, yeah, sure. I'll have a bite of it. You know, it's something special, you know, it's a, it's a traditional, like European cake, you know, kind of thing. I didn't think anything of it. It was just, and yeah. And in retrospect, I was like, I wonder why I didn't think anything of it.

Marchelle (16:54):
Just to me is when I have these relapses, it's in a moment where I'm kind of caught off guard and maybe a situation that, that isn't well thought out, because you know, doing this, this kind of program, you sort of methodically plan your day. Right. And you don't plan for every little thing that could happen, you know, in every situation. And so whenever I have I've slipped, I, it just comes to me in, in that kind of a situation where I didn't even think about it until it was too late.

Marchelle (17:25):
And then the cravings happened and then more cravings. And then I'm on this, you know, this downward spiral of trying to get back, you know, on the program, what, you know, programming get back to eating right, without eating sugar and flour.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (17:44):
Trying to manage all those cravings.

Marchelle (17:46):
I don't know, once my brain is triggered everything, every cupcake in the, on the planet is talking to me.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (17:52):
Exactly. It's exactly what was happening to me too. Yeah, yeah. Yep.

Marchelle (17:58):
I mean, there's even been times when I'm like, oh, I can just handle a little bit. Can, you know, I convince myself after you don't do it for a while. And you're doing so well. I think like, I don't know, I've convinced myself that, Hey, I could just have a little bit of this. Or even like, if I'm like trying to get to a weight loss goal or something like that, you know, like another 10 pounds off.

Marchelle (18:18):
And I'm like, oh, well, I can have a little bit of, you know, whatever, because I'm okay right now. And it's not so much that I think that it packed on the pounds from, you know, slipping. It was just the cravings that started after that. That was more detrimental. It wasn't like I gained a bunch of weight from having, you know, hamburgers and fries on the weekend, but the craving started and it's just, and then you're like in this mental funk too, just trying to get yourself, you know, back and then, you know, it can lead to other things, you know, where I'm like, oh, well, I already, I'm already off. So might as well do this, you know? And so it just leads to a bunch of really bad thinking.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (18:59):
There's a psychological term for that. It's called the, what the hell effect.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (19:05):
So, so you were experiencing that firsthand.

Marchelle (19:09):
Well, it's hard. I mean, and it's not just me, like a lot of our patients that come in, you know, they just asked me, they're like, how do you even, how do you get motivated again? Cause at this point I just really don't give a shit. And I totally understand that way of thinking like you get, I don't know, just sometimes we lose, lose motivation. I don't know if it's like the toxic sugar that is, you know, poison our brain and we don't, we lose motivation or whatever. But...

Dr. Angela Zechmann (19:34):
Well I got to tell you that part of my brain was just screaming for more. It was screaming at me too...

Marchelle (19:41):
I remember seeing you in the office. I mean, when I came back and I was talking to you, I could just tell like something, something was off, you know?

Dr. Angela Zechmann (19:47):
Something was off.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (19:49):
Yeah. I could tell that something was on your mind. And I mean little did I know that you were once more marzipan, I can tell that your mind was focused on something else. That was funny that you told me this story. And well, even when you told me this story, I really kind of blew it off. Like, you know, she took a bite of marzipan so what was big deal.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (20:08):

Marchelle (20:09):
I didn't realize like that once it got in there, I mean, it became a thing that was at the forefront of your mind. I mean, even where it led you to take the time out to write, you know, the post and Sugar and Flour Busters Society, which I'm so glad that you did because so many people responded to it and they must be going through the same thing or just relate to it. And it just needed to be talked about.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (20:32):

Marchelle (20:33):
So another thing I was thinking, as you were talking, and I didn't want to interrupt you was when, when you refer to yourself is like a sugar and flour addict as if you're at the party and, and you're the sugar and flour addict, you know, and you have to separate yourself. Who's not a sugar and flour addict. You know who, I mean, is there anybody that's not a sugar and flour addict? I I've never met one. Oh, it's, it's almost like we're all sugar and flour addicts, but some of us are just maybe unaware. Some of us are, I don't know, just partaking unawarely.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (21:10):
So yeah. Well I think everybody has a certain sensitivity and there are people who they can have one cookie and not have their brain go nutsy cuckoo on them, you know?

Marchelle (21:24):
Wow. See, I've never met anybody like that.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (21:27):
Yeah. there are people who can just have a little bit and they're fine and it's not a problem. There are people who will tell me, you know, I don't like candy. I don't like sugary stuff, but give me the bread and the pasta or the salty crunchy stuff. That's the stuff that really rings my bells. And once I get started eating that I have a really hard time stopping. So I guess the question is just like, when you eat this stuff, what does your brain do? Like, that's what you want to be really cognizant of. If your brain is screaming at you to keep going and you can't stop, then it's triggering a huge dopamine response in you. And that's what, that's what causes those tendencies towards addiction. So that's....

Marchelle (22:16):
You know, the question is, you know, what comes first? The chicken or the egg, I mean, is it my brain that has the thought, and then I eat the stuff or do I eat this stuff and then my brain has the thought because for me, I mean, it's, I don't even have to be you know, eating sugar and flour. I could have been detoxed from it. And still, if something goes down, like I have a stressful day or something, my brain goes to those thoughts, you know, like, man, I wish I had some chips right now, or I just want to, I need a candy or, you know, so...

Dr. Angela Zechmann (22:51):
Well that's because your brain's already been conditioned and it knows that it's going to get a dopamine response from that stuff. So. Okay.

Marchelle (22:57):
Makes sense.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (22:58):
Yeah. So, but, but you know, the very first time you ever had it you, you kind of, your brain observed you having a big response to it and then you knew.

Marchelle (23:12):
Thats so crazy like that, that probably happened to me literally when I was eight months old.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (23:19):

Marchelle (23:20):
And then it took me until I was 48 years old to even figure that out.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (23:26):
Yep. That's when it happens. And that's why I get so worried when I see grandparents, you know, like let's bake cookies with the grandkids and I'm like, oh man, they don't know what they're doing. You know, like they're, they're sensitizing these children's brains at such a young age, you know?

Marchelle (23:42):
They don't even know, nobody even knows. I mean, can't tell you like that. If, if people were aware of this, I really doubt that, you know, grandma Josephine is going to say, Hey, I know this is what this is going to do to you later on in life, but here, let's still have some cookies. These people don't know.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (24:01):
I think you're right. I think you're right. And it's so ubiquitous and it's so common and it's everywhere. So yeah. Yeah.

Marchelle (24:09):
Well, I just was thinking, as we were talking about some of ... some of these, I don't know, this, this stuff about addiction and sugar addiction and flour addiction and kind.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (24:21):
Oh yeah. And so, yeah, so, so some people, you know, they find that their brains respond like you're like your brain responds to sugar in combination with caffeine. So that's the coffee creamer thing. Other people that's sugar in combination with fat. So that's the ice cream, the chocolate and that kind of thing. Other people, you know, it's not sugar at all. It's the flour products. And then there's people like me for whom it's sugar and flour combined. It's the baked goods to get me. So I don't know why. I just, I did not realize that that marzipan was going to do that. And obviously now, in retrospect, it's like, well, now I know.

Marchelle (24:57):
So you've told me this one other time before though this happened to you.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (25:02):
Oh, it's happened to me a lot of times.

Marchelle (25:04):
Ya remember, with the brownies that Celia had left when she had her friends over and then there's the big corner, something like you tasted the corner something or maybe...

Dr. Angela Zechmann (25:15):
Oh, it's called edging.

Marchelle (25:17):
Yeah. And then you just had to throw them away because, because you're worried about what was going to happen. And then, Cilia came back and she's like, what'd you do with the brownies if I'm remembering correctly. But I do remember another story like this when...

Dr. Angela Zechmann (25:30):
No. I remember one of her friends made brownies and left it on the stove and I was like, oh, there's a little edge there. That's not quite right. So I cut a little edge off of it. And then I realized, oh no, now that other part of it's not right.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (25:43):
And this is how we do it. You know, it was like, oh, we just, every time we cut a little piece and we want to even it up and this is a thing...

Marchelle (25:51):
Like, it just takes such a little amount, you know, to just get us triggered...

Dr. Angela Zechmann (25:57):
To get us going.

Marchelle (25:59):
So then how are you doing then right now? I mean, so you got past, it was so like when you made the decision to not eat any more of it and you got past the party and you're successful, did that help you to kind of pull yourself back out of it and get back on track just by, you know, having the...

Dr. Angela Zechmann (26:15):
Yeah. I mean, I didn't really, I didn't really get off track per se. I just had to struggle with my brain right now, then my brain is still thinking about it, but very less, much less frequently.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (26:30):
And when I think about it, I just imagined the icky feeling in my stomach and all the bloating and the fatigue. And I'm just like, eh, no.

Marchelle (26:38):
Okay, good to know.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (26:39):
Yeah. It's, it's much better now. So it took few days though. It really did. So.

Marchelle (26:46):
Yeah, it's hard.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (26:47):
So for our podcast listeners, you know, if this has happened to you and you're not alone, it happens to everybody once in a while.

Marchelle (26:54):
I definitely think that, you know, when you make a choice to not be of that world, because, you know, it's just everywhere. Sugars are flowers everywhere, it's in everything and around everybody, and it's so acceptable. And when you make a decision to separate yourself from that, you have to find a support group. You have to have people that understand what you're going through are going through the same thing.

Marchelle (27:21):
So either you're going to stay in one world or you're going to become a part of another world. And so Journey Beyond Weight Loss for me has been that support that I need. And I mean, and it never stops for me. I'm never cured, you know, I just keep redoing it because things, you know, I revisit situations and sometimes, you know, I'm weak or things, you know, hit me from left field. And one thing that I've learned, you know, through journey beyond weight loss is just how to not beat myself up when these things come up and just to keep trying and not to give up.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (27:56):

Marchelle (27:57):
But I wouldn't be able to do it. I mean, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have the support of Journey Beyond Weight Loss and from you also, you know, from Sugar and Flour Busters and from the patients, like it's an everyday struggle and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have, you know, my group of people.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (28:14):
Right. Yeah. Yeah. And, and you know, and, and if something like this can happen to somebody who like, I like this is my field, this is what I do. I was just, I was so shocked at how my brain responded. I'm like, there's no way to, I mean, we're always going to be going to be works in progress. You know, we're always going to be works in progress. And so there isn't any, there isn't any end to it and, you know, that's kind of a good thing. We'll always be learning more and more about ourselves too. So, yeah. So anyway, I, I just wanted to make sure if you're, I'm not in Sugar and Flour Buster Society get in there and you can read that post and you can see just how many other people responded and said, this is exactly what happens to me. And I understand completely. Lots of them gave a lot of support, which really helped me too. So it was awesome. So. Okay. Do you have any other last minute thoughts? Marchelle?

Marchelle (29:15):

Dr. Angela Zechmann (29:16):
Okay. That's great. Well, thanks for listening everyone. And we will see you with another episode next week. Take care. Bye now!

Marchelle (29:25):
Hey, if you really want to lose weight and keep it off for good, your next step is to sign up for Dr. Angela's free weight loss course, where you're going to learn everything you need to get started on your weight loss journey, the right way, just head over to to sign up. Also, it would be awesome if you could take a few moments and write a review on iTunes. Thanks. And we'll see you in Journey Beyond Weight Loss.

- Dr. Angela


This episode was produced and marketed by the Get Known Podcast Service


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