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Three Magic Words to Get You Through the Holidays


Hey everyone, it's Dr Angela here today. I wanted to talk to you about the holidays. They are rapidly approaching and there are just a few days left!

I have three magic words that will help get you through the holidays without any added weight gain. So I want to let you know what those are. That's the topic of today's video.

If you don't know me, I am an obesity medicine specialist practicing in Olympia, Washington. I am also the founder and creator of Journey Beyond Weight Loss, an online program designed to help people lose weight and keep it off.

So what are the three magic words that are going to help you the most when it comes to keeping your holiday weight under control? You ready?

It's "no thank you!".

Yeah, that's it! And 'no thank you' is actually a complete sentence - so you don't have to add anything onto it after that unless you want to!

Here's how you can use those words. For example, it's Christmas Eve and somebody offers you some eggnog. No, thank you! Or perhaps it's Christmas morning and somebody has made their infamous Christmas morning cinnamon rolls. You can say, 'no thank you' or you can do what I did recently. I mean, it's not just on the holidays. There are all kinds of things going on around you all the time. I was at a memory care facility earlier this week, I'm taking a tour, thinking about maybe moving my mom there and when I was getting ready with the tour, the woman said, 'Oh, wait a minute, I almost forgot something.' She ran back to her office and she came back with this little decorative pail and it was covered and she said, 'here, this is for you.' And I said, 'Oh wow, what is it?' And she said, 'it's cookies! We make cookies for all our guests!'

I handed the pail back to her and I said, 'no thank you.' 'I don't eat sugar.' And she looked a little bit miffed! That's something that I want to bring up. If somebody offers you something, they have good intentions, right? But you want to understand that this is your body. And so you get to decide what you want to put in your body. And sometimes people might feel a little bit miffed when you say no thank you, but you don't want to let that dissuade you from doing what's right for your body. I mean, you have to understand guys, sugar and flour are the elephants in the room in this country. Nobody really quite gets it. They are the cause of untold misery. I see it all day, every day. The physical pain, the joint pain, the indigestion, the difficulty sleeping! The mental fog, the depression - it's just terrible what this stuff does! And it's wonderful what it does when you stop eating! Stop eating sugar and flour products!

I want you to be aware it is perfectly okay for you to say 'no thank you' and to take control over what goes into your body. Okay? Remember that the holidays are all about family and friends. Remember the holidays are about the people. Try to keep the emphasis OFF the food and ON your loved ones! Okay?

So that would be my best advice for the holidays. Make sure that you use the words, those three magic words. 'No Thank You! Keep them in the back of your pocket at all times.

I have a new guide for you and it's called the Three Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes. If you're thinking about a new weight loss plan for the new year, this is absolutely necessary for you. The Three Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes and the link is in the description below.

Another thing I have is a webinar "Three Hidden Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss" that will happen after the holidays. So keep your eye on your email for that as well. And if you're not on our email list, then just go to and you can get on our email list that way.

Okay. So I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Remember I am here and I am rooting for your success at all times. Okay?

Take care. Happy holidays. Bye bye.

To Your Health, Dr. Angela

Link to new guide: The Three Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes

Add a PS: Keep your eyes on your email for an invitation to my new webinar, Hidden Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss, starting Dec 27th, just in time for those New Year's Resolutions!
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