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The Worst Diet Advice

With so much bad information and advice out there, where can you turn for good solid and accurate information? Today we discuss the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of weight loss advice and what you need to know to move past that bad information.

Some of this weeks episode highlights are:
9:48 A moderation approach to eating can work for some people, not for others. Be the objective observer of your own brain.
21:10 Research in the 1950's tied exercise to weight loss. Beware of the exercise ""Halo Effect""!
29:06 Exercise because it makes you feel good, not to burn calories. You can't ""out exercise"" a bad diet! Weight loss happens in the kitchen, not in the gym.

--- Full Raw Transcription of Podcast Below ---

Dr. Angela Zechmann (00:00):
You are listening to the, keep the weight off podcast with Dr. Angela episode number 22.

Introduction (00:07):
Welcome to The Keep The Weight Off podcast, where we bust all the dieting myths and discover not just how to lose weight, but more importantly, how to keep it off. We go way beyond the food and we use science and psychology to give you strategies that work. And now your host, Dr. Angela Zechmann.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (00:27):
Well, hello, friends. And welcome back. It is so good to be with you today or tonight, depending on when you're listening to this. Marchelle's here with me today. Say hi.

Marchelle (00:39):
Hi everybody.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (00:40):
So today Marchelle and I wanted to talk about the worst diet advice we've ever heard. And we actually pulled our members in Sugar and Flour Buster Society on Facebook to see what sorts of bogus diet advice they'd received over the years. And, you know, by the way, if you're not already a member of Sugar and Flour Buster Society, I'd really encourage you to join us there. We've got lots of support for your sugar and flour free lifestyle. We have amazing members there that are always posting lots of delicious recipes with pictures. And you can ask any question and get all the support that you need. Our members are just amazing.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (01:28):
So a big shout out to all the sugar and flour busters who are listening today or tonight, if you're not already a member and you want to join us in Sugar and Flour Buster Society, I'll put up a direct link to the Facebook group in the show notes, but really, if you want to just do it right now, all you have to do is just go to Facebook groups and search for sugar and flour Buster society, and make sure that you spell flour correctly. Sometimes people put in F L O W E R - it's flour, like F L O U R. There's a picture of a woman kicking junk food away from her. So then you'll know that that's the right place and just ask for permission to be in and we'll let you in. Okay.

Marchelle (02:14):
Can I say one thing about Sugar and Flour Buster Society.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (02:19):

Marchelle (02:20):
I want to tell everybody that might be listening to this with, you know, all the negativity that's been going on, you know, with politics and with COVID and all that stuff, like being a member of Sugar and Flour Buster Society is been such a blessing for me, because there's so much support and so much positivity, and it's just a feeling like of your people on the same community, doing things.

Marchelle (02:46):
And I just, I really appreciate it so glad it exists.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (02:51):
I know. And I think it just really helps to know like that you're not the only person in the whole world that is trying to not eat crap food, you know? So cause sometimes it's, it's, it feels lonely, you know? And so if you've got a group of people that you can talk to about this and, and you know, we're all sort of on the same page with us, so yeah. Join us if you're not already a member. Okay. So let's talk about diet advice. So Marchelle, what kind of what's some of the worst diet advice you've ever heard? What sticks out in your mind?

Marchelle (03:24):
So for me, I have to say like when I first came into the clinic and started working with you, I was under the impression that the less calories you ate, like calories are a thing, you know, the less calories you ate and less food you ate, the more weight you would lose. So that would lead me to like starving myself, depriving myself, skipping breakfast, skipping lunch, and I could not lose weight. And it's because that's a lie, right.

Marchelle (03:58):
Total lie took me a while to figure that out because I just did not understand that I could eat as much as I can eat and still dump fat and hold on to muscle. And it's been this total shift in the way that I think about my body and about what I eat and all that surrounds it. That's been the biggest myth. Is that less calories and starving yourself?

Dr. Angela Zechmann (04:27):
One gal said that she had, she had heard that margarine was better than butter. We learned that, I think in the eighties that for, for whatever reason, because it was lower in calories because butter is supposed to be fattening. Butter was supposed to be fattening. Yeah. Yep. Those were the days right now.

Marchelle (04:51):
We're like all the fat-free foods, exactly sugar foods and process, process, process foods.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (05:00):
One woman posted the apple diet. Did you see that one? Did I read through that? I was like, oh my gosh, I clicked the link that she put in there. You can lose three pounds in five days by eating apples. So on the first day you eat six apples and that's all, I think you had one apple for maybe two apples for no, what was it? One apple for breakfast, two apples for lunch and three apples for dinner. And that's what you ate. And then on day two, you get, you eat four apples and you add in some vegetables. And then by day three, you're down to three apples plus a little bit of protein along with the vegetables. And I just was rolling on the ground laughing because this diet is so absurd. It's just crazy.

Marchelle (05:50):
That makes me think. I just thought of something. So you know how people go to the spa and they, you know, they do these machines that you know, are for weight loss machines where you either like lay in a pod or, you know, and that it's basically heat and people say, oh, you can lose, you know, five pounds, you know?

Marchelle (06:11):
And, and I've even seen some of our patients come in and they sit in like the sweat lodge all weekend, you know, cause they got to drop, you know, a quick 10 pounds and they don't realize that all they're doing is dehydrating their body water, weight loss, and that the minute you start drinking anything, you're going to put it right back on. So, so that's another thing that I've that just reminded me of a ridiculous, some of this information.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (06:38):
It really is. One man said that a nutritionist had told, I don't know if it was him or if it was a diabetic friend that drinking alcohol was just fine because there's no sugar in alcohol. So it was like, oh, okay. I can drink all the alcohol I want. And as a matter of fact, another woman posted this crazy diet from Vogue magazine in the 1970s. And it was, let me see it was, it allowed you to drink an entire bottle of white wine every day and you would have an egg for breakfast with a glass of wine. And they said, Chablis is the preferred wine. I have no idea why Shibley the only food that you were allowed to eat was this one egg for breakfast. And then he would have two eggs for lunch, with another glass of wine and then five ounces of steak for dinner. And then you could finish the bottle that I wish would not be nice. Oh my gosh, there were no vegetables, nothing, you know, and it was just like three days of, of doing this and you would drop some pounds. It was so much crazy craziness. You know some, I have seen some really bogus nutrition advice that has been given to people with fatty liver disease.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (08:03):
So one of my patients, I think her mother was in the hospital with liver issues. And so they gave her a liver diet and it was a low fat diet and it had tons of carbs at all meals. I was absolutely shocked when I read this diet. It was as if the dietician had never heard of insulin or its effects in making fat and causing fat to build up in the liver. So it was like going to do completely the opposite of what, what they wanted, but for whatever reason, you know, low fat diet that should, that should get rid of the fat in the liver. So it's craziness. Another woman was talking about fruit. She was told that she could eat as much fruit as she wanted. Now I don't want to vilify fruit because fruit is good for you, whole fruit. Right. But you have to be careful because fruit has sugar in and that will spike insulin.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (08:56):
If you have too much. So many people are drinking fruit smoothies as part of their diet plan. And basically, you know, like that's just fruit juice with lots and lots of concentrated sugars. So that's gonna really spike the insulin.

Marchelle (09:11):
Like these another thing that I just thought of is diet, diet, sodas, diet Coke, diet Pepsi. Yeah. People think sometimes when they come in and they drink a lot of soda, like, okay, so then I'm just going to switch to diet Pepsi and you know.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (09:28):
Oh, I did that for years. I did that for years. I thought, well, there's no sugar in this. Therefore it's going to be fine. But now we're discovering that even these sweeteners cause cravings for sugar later and they can also spike insulin too. So it's, it's bad for you. A lot of craziness, some people in the Facebook group mentioned the concept of moderation.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (09:53):
So in other words, they were told, just eat whatever you want, but just eat it in moderation. Meaning just have small amounts. And this can actually work for some people, but many people, if not, most it doesn't work. And the reason is because, especially for those of us who struggle with brains that are really sensitive to, you know, the drug like effects of processed food moderation isn't necessarily gonna work all that. Well, you tell me I can have two Oreos, like put, put Oreos in front of me, tell me to eat two, are you kidding? Hilarious. Like, that's not going to work.

Marchelle (10:35):
Like you can have a little bit of vodka, just do it in moderation. Right.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (10:40):
So for me, like there's just like this switch that gets turned on in my brain and there's no way to stop, you know? So it's so first for many of us, this concept of moderation, isn't going to work for others.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (10:53):
It might work. So I always say, get to know your own brain, like be the objective observer of your own brain. For some things you might be able to have a little bit and be okay, but for other things you get started and you just can't stop. So for me personally, I can have a little bit of bread or a little bit of pasta and I'm fine. It's not triggering a desire to overeat it. But baked goods are going to get me every time for other people. It's exactly the opposite. It's the bread and the pasta that they can't stop eating and baked goods and sugary stuff is no problem for them. So we're all so different. And so it's really important to just know and respect your own brain and your body and how it responds to various types of foods. So it's just, it's just hard.

Marchelle (11:50):
It's ridiculous here about, so people do look this up because it's on Google and it's like in the top of the search menu, like how do I lose one pound, you know, in a day?

Marchelle (12:00):
Oh, and and it says, you know, you need to burn 3,500 calories a day to lose one pound per day. You need anywhere between 2020 500 calories in a day, if you're doing your, your routine activities, that means you need to starve yourself all day and exercise as much as you can to lose the remaining calories.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (12:21):
Yeah. And you know, I think that's the biggest bill of goods that we've been sold in the weight loss world is to focus on calories. So, you know, if you talk to dieticians and nutritionists, you're going to hear them focus on calories in and calories out. How many calories are we eating? How many calories are we burning with exercise? And this is what many of those smartphone apps will have you calculate too. Have you ever tried, you know, like my fitness pal or lose it or any of them, they're having you calculate your calories.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (12:53):
And so they will tell you, okay, let's say you want to lose 30 pounds in three months. So they say, how much do you weigh right now? How tall are you? They figure out what your basal metabolic rate is. That's the number of calories that you burn at rest. They kind of help you figure out what your activity level is. They figured out how many calories you're burning and then they figure out a deficit based on this 3,500 calories per pound of fat. And then they'll tell you how many calories you should eat each day. Or how many, if you, if you exercise, you can eat more. Right. So, right. So that's the, he needs to do this starvation like, right. If you've over done it, then you just starve yourself the next day. And then that way, you know, put you into the deficit. It's ridiculous. Yeah. So did you, do you ever wonder where that 3,500 calories per pound of fat came from?

Marchelle (13:46):
Like, how do we know what a calorie is? I've never seen one!

Dr. Angela Zechmann (13:50):
Exactly. I have no clue. So it's a unit of energy. So this this advice about 3,500 calories came from some research that was done by a doctor. His name was Max Wishnofsky (The idea that 3500 calories convert to one pound of weight is based on experiments published in 1958, was known as “Wishnofsky’s Rule”). And this is back in the late 1950s. And he was looking at human adipose tissue, that's fat tissue. And he calculated that a gram of human adipose tissue had about 9.5 calories. And that it was 85, 80 7% fat. And so he used these numbers to come up with his 3,500 calories per pound estimate. And he, he made this proposition in order to burn one pound of fat, a person would need to find a way to reduce calorie intake or burn calories to equal 3,500 calories. And then while you would be one pound less, and then this research became like dogma in the nutrition world.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (15:00):
So what I want, all of our listeners to know is that this advice is absolutely ludicrous.

Marchelle (15:07):
Yeah. Because one pound of what is it one pound of like, like adipose fat? Or is it like one pound of muscle? You think it doesn't there's it doesn't make any sense at all. And that's why we say, oh, I want to lose weight. We shouldn't be saying that. She'd say no, I want to lose fat. Right, right. I wanna keep my muscles.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (15:25):
Yeah. Well, I mean, our bodies are not machines. It's not like you can, it's not like you can make this so simplistic. Your body doesn't work like that. It's nuanced. And we were, we were designed to survive famines. So this calories in calories out hypothesis makes sense on paper, but it doesn't hold true in real life because people absorb calories and burn calories at differing rates.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (15:54):
And there are lots of other factors that go into effect. And you know, what we're now discovering is that a calorie is not a calorie. We've discovered that insulin has profound effects at causing us to store fat. So if our low calorie diet includes a lot of insulin producing processed carbs and Franken foods. So for example one of our patients mentioned SnackWells to me in the office the other day. She's like, yeah, I used to eat those SnackWells all the time because they're you know, they're just, they're these low calorie, low fat things. You can actually put on a lot of fat eating stuff like SnackWell's, I mean, think of the name of it too. Like what a great name SnackWell, right?

Marchelle (16:43):
The processed stuff drives me crazy!

Dr. Angela Zechmann (16:44):
Yeah. But you can, I mean, the calories are lower, but there's so much sugar in this stuff that it's just going to spike insulin and cause you to store fat.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (16:53):
So it's important to understand this because just because a foods labeled low fat doesn't mean it's not going to add fat to your body.

Marchelle (16:59):
I don't know. It kind of sketches me out just the whole processed protein foods and that meal replacement, you know, processed stuff. I just, yeah. I mean, I know it's the easy way and I know, you know, everybody wants it to work because, you know, you can just grab that premier protein shake in the morning and you don't have to do anything, you know, when you got your 30 grams of protein, but I look at the ingredients of that stuff and I'm like,

Dr. Angela Zechmann (17:26):
yeah, yeah. I say, you know, I say, use those in moderation, use those in emergency situations. Like if I'm traveling or something, I'll do something like that. But it's just, it's just hard, you know, it's just, when you have to really realize that when foods have got a lot of carbs in them, they're going to spike insulin.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (17:48):
And so, and so they're, even if they're low fat, they're going to cause weight gain.

Marchelle (17:54):
Yeah. We had a patient come in today, you know, this powdered protein is like all the rage, you know, everybody wants their powder protein. And so she came in today and she was really excited about getting on the scale because for the last month her and her husband had been doing like the Medifast diet, which is, I don't know if you guys know about it, it's, you know, the packaged packaged, it reminds me of like rations from the military because you like, just add a hot water, you know what I mean? You have like re fried beans.

Marchelle (18:23):
So she gets on the scale and she didn't lose anything just on the, you know, from the weight on the scale, you know, she got on the regular scale and she, she gets off and she was, you could just feel like the disappointment and the anger, because that diet is not cheap and told me, you know, my husband just lost 20 pounds. And and she was so disappointed in this, you know, all the effort that she had made in eating, you know, and, and really like depriving yourself of, you know, whole foods because you've been eating out of these packages. And I just felt so bad for her because I know that we want these easy, quick fixes to work, but there just really is. No, I mean, it's just bad advice. People are just trying to make money off of you. So yeah.

Marchelle (19:15):
I mean, I just, I just felt terrible for her today because, you know, she wasted all this money. She hadn't lost anything. And I tried to explain to her, you know, that not everything works for everybody yeah. That, you know, what works for some people does not work for other people, but I would definitely steer clear of, you know, eating this process protein, you know, packaged foods for an entire month.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (19:37):
Yeah. Well, you know one of our other patients on sugar and therapist or society mentioned the HCG diet, have you heard of that one?

Marchelle (19:45):
Yeah. I tried that.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (19:47):
You tried that.

Marchelle (19:47):
I tried it, you know, like back, you know, five years ago or something. And and if you have enough discipline to literally eat 500 calories a day, you don't need the, the HCG diet. You can do this on your own because that's the willpower I could not manage. You can only eat 500 calories a day.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (20:11):
Well, the, the idea was that with the HCG shots, you just weren't hungry. So you could eat 500 calories a day and not feel hungry at all. And so this was like all the rage for a while. And people were just dropping weight like crazy. And then, you know, the food and drug administration did some, you know, did some investigation and discovered this stuff is not safe. And they actually banned HCG back in, I think it was December of 2011, they banned it. So you know, there's just, people are just so desperate to lose weight that they'll do almost anything sometimes. And there are all kinds of people that are you know, they're, they're trying to push crazy supplements and all kinds of quick weight loss, fixes.

Marchelle (21:04):
Makes me so mad at the food industry. More I learned just makes me so mad.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (21:10):
Well, you know, and the other thing about the other thing I want to mention about this whole calories in calories out hypothesis is that, you know, and this again came out of Wishnofsky’s research is that it tied exercise to weight loss. So now everybody thinks that exercise is required for weight loss, because you can use exercise to burn calories and create that calorie deficit. Right. And so people think that exercise will cause weight loss. Now exercise helps us feel really good. And so people are more willing to exercise than they are to actually plan and cook real food meals.

Marchelle (21:50):
And so, so you're saying like to people like if you ran every day, you know, for like half an hour, you know, or walked or ran that doesn't help with weight loss?

Dr. Angela Zechmann (21:58):
No, it doesn't no, not for weight loss. It helps with maintaining your weight loss, but it does not help with weight loss.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (22:07):
Lots of people will sign up for marathons or half marathons or whatever, and, you know, get into these sort of rigid exercise programs. They don't change the way they eat. And so they're still spiking their insulin levels in their bodies. Can't burn fat and they end up burning muscle instead. Oh, it's so crazy. That's such a hard one to wrap my mind around because yeah, no, I know. Well, and so, and the other thing that happens is they develop what I call the exercise halo effect. So like it's, oh, I exercised, I can just eat whatever I want now, you know? And so you know, it's, it's so interesting because the calories that you burn from exercise are minimal compared to the calories that we eat from junk food treats. So I actually looked up how many calories are in six Oreo cookies. It's 317 calories and 47 net carbs. So that's a lot - 47 net carbs. That's a lot of fat producing insulin and a lot of stress on your pancreas to produce all that insulin. And then in order to burn that 300 calories, you'd have to run three miles in 30 minutes.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (23:24):
But because of all that insulin, your body's not going to be able to access the fat stores for energy, and it's going to lose your muscle mass instead. So it's completely counterproductive. Yeah.

Marchelle (23:34):
That's, that's such important information because yeah, I know so many people think that the, you have to exercise that you and I hear it all the time with our patients. You know, the reason why I'm having such a hard time is because I quit exercising, you know, last month and you know, I'm going to get back on my exercise regimen, you know, I'm going to be fine. And and I, and I understand that way of thinking. I mean, I've, I've done it. I still do it. That's one of the first thing that comes to my mind when I'm getting off track is okay. If I just start exercising, then you know, I'll be able to like, get that extra, you know, weight, offer those, you know, get those extra calories off because you know, I'm not eating what I'm supposed to, but if I exercise it off, then I'll be okay.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (24:17):
Right. Yeah. They're just, there just really isn't any good way to make up for poor food choices with exercise. Now, the one thing exercise does do is it helps us feel better and because we feel better, we're less likely to get moody and eat our blues away. Right. So generally speaking, when people are exercising, they tend to eat better because they're just wanting to be healthier and they're, they're in better moods. So that's why I love exercise because it helps me feel better and it helps me eat better because I feel better. Does that make sense?

Marchelle (24:59):
So yeah, I can safely say that I've lost most of my weight aside of like maybe a three week, you know, workout period, because, you know, I was doing with my girlfriend at the gym, but all my weight loss has just come from, you know what I've been eating, not from exercise.

Marchelle (25:16):
Now that I'm thinking back on it, I mean, I, yeah, I haven't depended on exercise to lose weight, so yeah, exactly. It's hard not to think like that though. It's hard not to think that, you know, right. You know, exercise more, eat, less lose weight.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (25:34):
Yep. It's, it's really ingrained in our psyches.

Marchelle (25:37):
So doctors are telling their patients that I hear it all the time from primary care. They tell their patients that all the time, like you just need to eat less and exercise more. You'll be fine.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (25:47):
Yeah. Yep. Yep. And you know, so you go to the gym in the morning and you exercise and then the rest of the day, you're like, okay, I exercise. I can eat whatever I want. And then there's no weight loss. And sometimes there's even weight gain. And it's like, it's really frustrating. So, right.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (26:04):
So the important thing here guys is make sure that you keep your insulin levels low by watching the carbs and the sugar and the processed food and all of this stuff. That's so quick and convenient. So, yeah. Yeah.

Marchelle (26:23):
So I know we're talking about, you know, all the worst, you know, dieting advice and I'm sure, you know, there's a thousand more other stories out there that can tell us, but if you guys want to know about the right kind of advice and you want the right kind of support is I know I - live, this is you got to get involved with Journey Beyond Weight Loss. You've got to get a support group. You know, everything that you've been told in the past is probably not true. Yep. And you got to get the right information into your brain because once you know the right information, you can never un-know that even if you struggle, even if you slip, you never un-know that information.

Marchelle (27:06):
Once you learn the right information and it's so empowering to know the truth.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (27:12):
Yeah. Yeah. And the truth is lasting weight loss requires understanding that you have a disease and understanding that whatever you're going to do, you have to do for the rest of your life. So you don't want to do anything crazy. And it also requires understanding that the food industry is trying to get you to buy stuff and they're doing whatever they can to get you to buy crap. And they are just putting it on our faces constantly all the time. And so in order to sort of counteract that you need to have some support, you need support. Yeah. So join Sugar and Flour Busters Society get in with us. I've also got a a free weight loss course. If you go to, there's a course there that you can download and watch the course and listen to it and get yourself started.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (28:11):
So, so the main point, so, so I'm just going to kind of summarize like what the main points are in terms of crazy diet advice. First thing is don't listen to anyone who's promising quick weight loss with pills or supplements. It's just not going to work and avoid any crazy strict diet regimens that are designed to be used for a few days. Only like, like this is a chronic disease and it requires a long-term solution, not a quick fix diet and get smarter than thinking about calories in and calories out because insulin is what matters. And if you eat mostly whole foods that keep your insulin levels low and try to avoid foods that were made in a factory that spike your insulin levels, you're going to be much better off and exercise because it makes you feel good. Not because it's going to burn calories, you can't out exercise a bad diet.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (29:15):
And I'm going to say that again, because it's so important. You can't out exercise a bad diet, weight loss happens in the kitchen, not in the gym. So those are the main points. And if you take this to heart, guys, you are going to be doing so much better. You'll be so much further ahead of the curve. That's going to take longer than you want it to because we all want that weight off right now. But it will be lasting for you. And again, we have we have an awesome program called Journey Beyond Weight Loss which we open up several times a year. And that's another option for you where we're going to teach you all kinds of mad skills so that you can lose weight and keep it off. All right. So anything else, Marchelle? I think I don't have anything else to add.

Marchelle (30:06):
I think we're done!

Dr. Angela Zechmann (30:08):
I could talk forever and ever about this.

Marchelle (30:11):
I really could too. It just makes me think of like so many other things that go along with it. I mean, whenever we do these podcasts, it's just, there's not just one single Mitt of knowledge. I mean, it all just comes together. And that's what, like, for me, journey beyond weight loss is what really put everything together. Because I know that, you know, working with you for the last three years, you know, I was picking up bits and pieces of stuff, but none of it really came together like the whole picture until I started breaking it down with you in these modules, you know, and going through like the science of it and the emotional eating and you know how to talk to yourself differently. That's, that's really how lasting weight loss comes into play is you've got to really get involved in knowing, you know, knowing the truth, knowing about the science of obesity. It is a disease you don't just get cured, you know, in a quick fix diet. It doesn't work like that.

Dr. Angela Zechmann (31:08):
Yep. Yeah. Awesome. Well, thanks to all of our Sugar and Flour Busters who posted their crazy diets in the in the thread that I started. And any of you podcast listeners who have a crazy diet that you want to tell us about just join Sugar and Flour Busters and you'll see the post. I said, tell me what crazy diets you've been. You've been told in the past are crazy, extra, crazy diet advice you've heard in the past. And we'll look forward to seeing you in Sugar and Flour Busters Society. So take care everyone, and we will see you next week. Bye.

Closing (31:47):
Hey, if you really want to lose weight and keep it off for good, your next step is to sign up for Dr. Angela's free weight loss course, where you're going to learn everything you need to get started on your weight loss journey, the right way, just head over to to sign up. Also, it would be awesome if you could take a few moments and write a review on iTunes. Thanks. And we'll see you in Journey Beyond Weight Loss.

- Dr. Angela

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