Keeping the Weight Off VIP Package

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VIP Package

Own the Keeping the Weight Off VIP Package. If you’re like me, you’ll want to go back through these interviews to extract every bit of wisdom from them Wouldn’t it be great to review the information over and over again, hearing new things each time you listen?  This package is designed to support you as you implement what you’re learning, and it will give you extra tools to take your newfound knowledge even further!  Order now and get the interviews PLUS a whole bunch of amazing bonuses.

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VIP Package Includes:

MP4 Video and MP3 Audio recordings of all the interviews so you can listen and watch at your own convenience (whether you missed a certain speaker or know you want to access a specific topic at a later date.)

Personal Medical History Review: Fill out our clinic medical history form, and you’ll get a private 15 minute medical consultation with me, where we’ll go over your medical history, family history, medications and more, and I can give you a good sense of what you should be talking to your doctor about. Most health care providers do not have specialized training in obesity medicine and this information will be invaluable to you! (First 15 people only) 

“Four Stages of Weight Mastery” Video Series: In this 4-part video series, I explain just what it takes to lose weight and keep it off for good… I discuss the SCIENCE of weight loss as well as important psychological components that must be addressed for lasting success. This information Is not available to the public! 

“Three Steps to Break Your Sugar Addiction” Guide: If you know you need to get off sugar, this essential guide is for you… everything you need to know to prepare is here so you can be successful at kicking this powerful addiction. 

“7 Day Sugar Detox Menu”: 21 delicious and nutritious meals planned for you so you can get off sugar as painlessly as possible.  It even includes a grocery list!

“RIM Therapy for Weight Loss” with Michael Kline: RIM is short for “Regenerating Images in Memory” and Michael is an expert teacher of the RIM process to practitioners all over the country. Listen in as I discuss with him what happens in a typical RIM session, and how RIM can help you get to the root cause of your struggles with weight.

Only $197

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